November 12 2023
- A Killer’s Confession
- Photo City Music Hall
- 543 Atlantic Ave
- 6pm
- Pipedreams Live!
- Christ Church
- 141 East AVe
- 4pm
- Meyer and McGuire: Sunday Fun Day
- Bubby’s Tavern
- 14 Phoenix Street
- 2pm
- Granger Homestead Festival of Trees
- Granger Homestead and Carriage Museum
- 295 E Mains Street Canandaigua
- 2nd Sunday StoryTime
- The Avenue Blackbox Theatre
- 780 Joseph Ave
- 2-4pm
- Mudslingers One and Done!
- Flower City Arts Center
- 713 Monroe Ave
- 1pm
- Mrs Kasha Davis
- ARTISANworks
- 565 Blossom Road
- 11am
- A Handcrafted Holiday Market
- The Old Farm Café and Dining Experience
- 3450 Winton Place Suite 6
- 11am
- ROCovery Fitness_ Sober Drag BRunch FUNDRAISER
- 565 Blossom Road
- 11am
- Restorative Yoga
- Open Sky Yoga Center
- 5 Arnold Park
- 2-4
- Lane Dworkin Rochester Jewish Book Festival
- Louis S. Wolk JCC of Greater Rochester
- 1200 Edgewood Ave
- 10am
- All My Friends are Flakes
- Painting with a Twist
- 1100 Jefferson Road
- 2-4pm
- Fall Fine Wine Tasting
- Chili Discount Liquor
- 3210 Chili Ave
- 1-5pm
- A Bony One
- Painting with a Twist
- 1100 Jefferson Road
- 5-7pm
- Fall Pumpkin Track (16+)
- Painting with a Twist
- 1586 W. Ridge Road
- 4-6pm